A Neo-Nazi couple who named their child after Adolf Hitler are facing jail after they were found guilty of belonging to a banned terrorist organisation.
Adam Thomas, 22, and his girlfriend, Claudia Patatas, 38, were convicted of being members of the far-right organisation National Action, which was outlawed in 2016.
Birmingham Crown Court heard the pair gave their baby the middle name "Adolf", which self-confessed racist Thomas told jurors was done in “admiration” for the leader of Nazi Germany.
A third defendant - a prominent member of National Action's Midlands chapter, Daniel Bogunovic, 27, of Leicester, was also convicted on Monday following the seven-week trial.
Thomas, described in court as a “vehement Nazi,” also faces a charge of possessing bomb-making manual The Anarchist Cookbook, which the jury is yet to reach a verdict on.
Over the course of their trial, the court was told the couple, of Banbury, Oxfordshire, met online in November 2016 before moving in together six months later.