Mel B Claims She Wrote Her Tell-All Book Because Of Her Daughters
She's discussed her abusive ten-year relationship with ex husband Stephen Belafonte in her new book, Brutally Honest.

And Mel B, 43, told her fellow Spice Girl Emma Bunton she did it because she doesn't want her three daughters to end up in similar situations to her.

Appearing on 42-year-old Emma's Heart FM radio show on Tuesday, Mel said: 'There’s quite a bit that I left out. My main point to get across was that being in an abusive relationship is not OK.'

Mel is mother to Phoenix, 19, from her marriage to dancer Jimmy Gulzar, Angel, 11, from her romance with Eddie Murphy.

And Madison, six, is from her marriage to Belafonte.

Emma said: 'It’s amazing. I cried through the whole thing by the way. And then Mummy Bunton read a bit yesterday and cried, I was like “Oh my goodness” – it’s just heart breaking.'

She added: 'If you are in a relationship where you are being humiliated or made to feel less than you are, it is a crime.

'I became really good at lying and saying my marriage was amazing when it's wasn't.'

She told Emma that since 2016, 'coercion' has been deemed a crime with a maximum five year prison sentence.

It's when a victim experiences the type of behaviour that stops short of serious physical violence, but amounts to extreme psychological and emotional abuse at the hands of a partner.

Host Jamie Theakston said: 'In the book you said “in the past 20 years of my life I have made £80m. Now I was thinking hang on, Is that what the Spice Girls make because it’s my birthday coming up and I might ask Emma for something different?"'

Mel laughed: 'I was married for 10 years and most of my work is in America and Australia so you know aside from my lovely Spice Girls, I am quite an independent money earner and I love earning money.

'And that’s also a form of control, also for your partner because they put you out to work so you can’t think straight.

'But luckily I love what I do and I love my work and that’s why I’m so happy – you know people like Simon Cowell – even though the girls didn’t quite realise it also – they were very much my rock in the midst of all of this. But they didn’t know the truth truth because I was embarrassed.' 

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