White House Yet To Comment On NYT Report That Trump Wanted Clinton, Comey Prosecuted

The White House on Wednesday still had no comment on a report Tuesday in the New York Times that President Trump told then-White House Counsel Donald McGahn this past spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute his 2016 challenger Hillary Clinton as well as former FBI director James Comey.

The report has raised new questions about whether President Trump sought to use the traditionally independent Justice Department to go after his political enemies.

Previously, Trump has tweeted that then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions should "look into all the corruption on the 'other side'... including deleted Emails, Comey lies&leaks, Mueller conflicts, McCabe, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr..... ...FISA abuse, Christopher Steele & his phony and corrupt Dossier, the Clinton Foundation, illegal surveillance of Trump Campaign, Russian collusion by Dems - and so much more."

The Times reported that McGahn responded to Trump that he had no authority to order a prosecution and had White House lawyers write a legal memo for the president warning that such a move could have serious consequences, including possible impeachment.

According to the Times, the president has continued to privately discuss pursuing the prosecutions, has asked about the possible appointment of a special counsel to investigate Clinton and Comey, and has even expressed disappointment in the current FBI director, Christopher Wray, reportedly calling him "weak" for not aggressively probing Clinton.

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