The World Will Cease To Exist The Day I Don’t Have Sex With My Wife - Ghanaian Prophet
Ghanaian cleric, Prophet Kumchacha who is very controversial and loves openly talking about s-x has said the world will cease to exist the day he doesn’t have s-x with his wife.

He also said, he is not like men who shy away from talking about their s-xual activities. He says he openly talks about it and have 35 styles he practices with his wife.

He also spoke about being a compulsory thing each time he wants s-x. When, we talk about this, my wife has no say, he explained.

“I have 35 sex styles; so you can’t be my wife and be saying you’re tired of having sex; no matter how tired you are; you must avail yourself to me anytime l want it,” he said.

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