''What is it about our Generation that’s Always so eager to post up our private lives on Social Media?
We get Good news- SM, Not so good news- SM, Someone offends us, someone owes us money, breakups, new home, new car, new shoes, fake designer shoes, borrowed stuff- There’s Absolutely No Mystery anymore. You wanna know about a person? Just look up their SM pages & you’d get a pretty close picture of whom you’re dealing with.
I agree I’m not exactly social media compliant but I’m also guilty of sometimes putting more than I ought to have out there thereby subjecting myself to being misinterpreted, misquoted, misunderstood & highly misjudged.
And that’s why it was extremely difficult for me to keep my pregnancy all to myself.
I mean it was without a doubt The Best news I have ever had & God knows I wanted to shout it out so as to be heard to the ends of the earth BUT I had to 🤐...
Not because I was ashamed or nothing of the sort. Hey, I’m a Grown woman let’s be Real.
I was Afraid. I was afraid of exposing My best news to the negativity of little & sad minded people of which unfortunately happen to be a lot... I wanted to enjoy this journey, savor every little moment, understand what was happening to me, my body, keep my sanity for my good & the good of my unborn child.
Pregnancy is indeed a roller coaster ride and as Ecstatic as I was, it really hit me.
My friends all knew- if you didn’t oh well- maybe that’s your cue😏I went shopping & out a lot & took lots of photos with my beautiful fans - Selfies Only of course & never felt the need to cover up or hide anything- And why should I? Do you know the struggle a lot of women go through to get what I have? A Free Gift from God! And you think at 35 I ought to feel some type of way because someone has an unsolicited opinion about me? Ha Ha Ha... Silence is NOT denial.
My silence was just that: Silence- until I was ready to speak about it.