Dog tests positive for coronavirus in Hong Kong after catching disease from infected owner
A dog has been diagnosed with having coronavirus after catching it from its owner in Hong Kong.

The dog is now being kept in quarantine for 14 days after rectal, oral and nasal samples came back confirming it had the disease. Owner Yvonne Chow Hau Yee took her dog to a vet in the Happy Valley area of the city.

The results showed that the dog tested weak positive to the virus and it had not shown any symptoms.

Officials at the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department ordered for the dog to be kept at Hong Kong’s only quarantine facility where its condition will be monitored and it will continue to be tested.

The AFCD said in a statement that it ‘does not have evidence that pet animals can be infected with Covid-19 virus or can be a source of infection to people’.

Pet owners were being reminded to get into the habit of washing their hands after touching their pets.

It is believed to be the first case of a pet catching the virus.

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