Hundreds of anti lockdown protesters take to the streets in North Carolina for the fifth week to voice their displeasure
Anti-lockdown protesters have gathered in North Carolina for the fifth week despite the governor already starting the reopening process.

Gov. Roy Cooper on Friday pushed through a new executive order which eased North Carolina's stay-at-home order, but the ReOpenNC group returned to protest for a fifth week to demand lockdown is ended completely. 

Cases of the deadly virus are generally stable in North Carolina, and testing, tracing and health care supplies have improved enough to warrant increased commerce and movement, Cooper said.

North Carolinians gathered in their hundreds in Raleigh yesterday to march towards the Executive Mansion, clearly unhappy with the state's management of coming out of lockdown.

One man dressed as the grim reaper held a sign with the movement's logo REOPEN NC painted on it while others flew American flags.

From the placards, many were concerned that Cooper's response was depriving them of their constitutional rights.

Conservative-leaning groups have held weekly demonstrations near the Executive Mansion demanding Cooper cancel the stay-at-home order completely in the name of freedom and reopening the economy.

The state has received more than one million unemployment benefit claims since mid-March.

Under Friday's modified stay-at-home order, retail businesses previously considered non-essential will be allowed to open, but they must be capped at 50 per cent capacity and must direct customers to practice social distancing

Workers are urged to wear masks. Parks are encouraged to reopen and more child care centers can now open.

Bars, barbershops and hair salons, and gyms still have to stay closed, and restaurants still can offer only takeout and delivery options, as they have been limited to since mid-March.

Gatherings of more than 10 people are still prohibited to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, but church services are allowed if outside and congregants remain at least 6ft apart.

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