Torture gang jailed after kidnapping young couple and Tasering boyfriend's genitals
An evil gang who kidnapped and tortured a young couple before stripping the boyfriend naked and Tasering his genitals have been jailed.

The couple were subjected to a terrifying two-day ordeal which also saw the girlfriend have a knife held against her throat and threatened with being shot in the head.

Sho had orange juice and talcum powder poured over her and air freshener sprayed in her mouth.

Shaan Khanyal and Arbaaz Chauhan, both 24 and from Coventry, admitted conspiracy to kidnap, conspiracy to rob and conspiracy to falsely imprison. They were sentenced at Warwick Crown Court on Monday.

Khanyal was jailed for ten years and five months while Chauhan was handed a nine year term.

Matis Cohene, 18, of Coventry, who was only 15 at the time, was given a two-year detention and training order.

During the trial, the court learned of how the victims had attended a party before they were lured by the gang who claimed they owed them money for food and drink.

Prosecutor Daniel Oscroft told the court of how the couple were contacted by someone called ‘Wes’ and ordered to hand over a contribution to the party. After the couple left, they withdrew £30 and went to the designated handover point, where they were kidnapped before being subjected to torturous acts.

He explained: ‘They were taken to a nearby address where Khanyal and Chauhan were waiting, and their phones were taken from them before they were taken to Wes’s home.

‘The young man was then driven around for an hour while his captors sold drugs, before being taken to his flat where he was assaulted with a Taser and hit with a steering wheel lock.

‘He was forced to strip and had eggs and flour thrown at him and then made to lie on his bed and rub Deep Heat into his bottom.’

The captors stole the man’s PS4, jewellery and other property, and forced him to dress in his girlfriend’s clothes before being taken to an ATM where he was forced to withdraw £240.

The couple were then taken to another house where the boyfriend was burned with a cigarette and slapped.

The couple were then ordered to close their eyes, and the girlfriend was told a gun with a silencer had been put against her head.

Hours later, the gang cut off her long hair and sprayed Febreze air freshener into her mouth.

A Taser was then used on the boyfriend’s testicles before the gang stole more of their valuables.

The couple were finally released by the gang then next day and alerted police immediately about their horrific ordeal, which took place in October 2017.

Before sentencing, Judge Andrew Lockhart QC condemned Khanyal and Chauhan, calling the offences a ‘gross and horrific act’.

In a victim impact statement, the boyfriend said: ‘Because of these events I have moved away from Coventry and my friends and family.

‘I have had to start a whole new life, and I suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.’

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