First person in the world to take Covid vaccine gets 2nd dose
A woman who became the first person in the world to receive the Pfizer vaccine this month following its clinical approval has been given her second dose.

Margaret Keenan was given the follow-up injection at Coventry’s University Hospital on Tuesday, three weeks after making history with the first jab.

The 91-year-old, who celebrated a birthday in between jabs, received an injection on December 8, describing it as a “whirlwind” day. 

NHS England said at the time that she would have a “booster jab” 21 days later “to ensure she had the best chance of being protected against the virus”.

Keenan, who has lived in Coventry for more than 60 years but is originally from Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, was now recovering well after her second jab, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust said. 

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