Four teenage girls set fire to an unoccupied house and posted footage of inferno to Snapchat because they were bored
Four teenage girls are accused of setting fire to an unoccupied Pennsylvania house and posting footage of the inferno to Snapchat.

Police used the social media post to identify and later arrest the teen suspects, ranging in age from 12 to 14, for the April 3 fire in a Ferndale duplex.

The girls told police they started the blaze because “they were bored,” Ferndale Police Chief John Blake said.

They allegedly used numerous aerosol sprays, including bug spray and Lysol to ignite the fire, according to Blake.

A police officer and firefighter suffered minor injuries during the fire.

The teens are charged with felony arson, causing catastrophe, trespassing and endangering another person, authorities said.

They have since been released to their families. 

Their cases will be heard in Cambria County juvenile court.

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