Doyin Okupe says he can put kidnapping of school students to an end in 2 months... NIGERIANS COME FOR HIM
A former aide of President Goodluck Jonathan, Dr Doyin Okupe has written an open request to President Buhari, saying he can bring the continuous kidnapping of school students to an end in Nigeria.

He says he only needs 2 to 3 months to put an end to it.

This however angered many Nigerians who immediately lashed out at him.

His open request and the lashing all below.

Okupe writes;

''The President

Gen Mohammed Buhari


The office of the chief of staff

Presidential Villa

Aso Rock


Yr Excellency,

Re: Request for an appointment to discuss my proposition on Kidnapping of School children.

The above subject matter refers.

I will greatly appreciate an appointment to meet with the President to discuss a proposition that I believe will help to end the incessant kidnapping of school children particularly in the north

I strongly believe that if I am giving a chance to handle this disturbing and perplexing national malaise,  I can help to put an end to this problem with support of the federal government and the backing of the Almighty God, in 2 to 3months maximum.

I am unable to lay out the essentials in this proposition for security reasons as u will well understand.

I will like you your excellency to put aside any partisan considerations or ill concieved motive behind   this patriotic move.

I come to you sir not as a pdp man or member of the opposition.

Rather I make this request with all humility and respect for your high office as a deeply concerned Nigerian and as a stakeholder and believer in the Nigerian Project.

Whatever my plans are they will still heavily rely and depend on the full weight, support and participation of the federal government and its agencies in the execution.  So the issue of partisanship does not arise.

It is an undeniable fact that neither pdp nor APC can hope to compete under any electoral process in the presence of massive insecurity and national crisis.

Therefore my thinking is that we should first consider coming together to put off the flames of conflagration spreading across the country before we start to prepare for any elections.

I thank you Sir, for your kind attention and anticipated cooperation on this urgent matter of national concern.

Please be assured of my highest esteem always.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Doyin Okupe 



And the lashing begins;

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